Programming/Non programming

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Eclipse: Launch Eclipse with -clean option On Mac OS X?


How to launch Eclipse with -clean option using command line on Mac OS X?

Benefits of Launching Eclipse with -clean option:

* Cleans cached data used by the OSGi framework and Eclipse runtime.
* Try to run Eclipse once with this option if you observe startup errors after install, update, or using a shared configuration.

Steps to launch:

1. Make sure you are "cd" to Eclipse folder where you installed on Mac.

For ex:
myname-mymacbook:~ myname$ cd library
myname-mymacbook:library myname$ cd eclipse

2. Use the command "./eclipse -clean -vmargs -XstartOnFirstThread" (without quotes) to launch Eclipse with -clean option.

For ex:
myname-mymacbook:eclipse myname$./eclipse -clean -vmargs -XstartOnFirstThread

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That's it.


Systems Analyst.

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