Programming/Non programming

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

iPhone: How to submit our application into Apple AppStore:


How to submit our application into Apple AppStore:

Note: You should have bought Apple's developer account ($99 or $199) before submitting your applicaiton into Apple AppStore.

1. Log in to

2. Click on 'Manager you applications' tab.

3. 'Add new application' tab

4. If your product has encryption, choose 'Yes', otherwise choose 'No'.

5. Follow on what are you seeing in the next pages as usual.

6. If you want upload your app as priced version, you can choose pricing tier in a tab which will ask you in one stage. Minimum starting from $ 0.99 U.S which is 'Tier 1' and maximum of $ 999.99 U.S which is 'Tier 85'.

Note: As a pre-requisite, keep the following items ready before starting this process:

1. Binary which has built with AppStore provisional profile file.
2. An application icon image in 512 * 512 size in .JPG format.
3. Four or Five(Max) application screenshot files in .JPG format.
4. You can have your URL, email address etc.

Cheers !

Senior Systems Analyst.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Android: Dip and Pix in Android:


Dip and Pix in Android

If you want your layouts to work in difference resolutions, you have to use "dip" in sizing it.

"dip" stands for - Device Independent Pixels.

Thank you for followers!


Senior Systems Analyst.

Have fun and be addictive by playing "TossRing" marvelous iPhone game. Link is below..

Android:How to get auto scrolling in Linear Layout in Android?


How to get auto scrolling in Linear Layout in Android?

For example i placed the scroll view code picked up from my main.xml file below, you can copy the same xml code for scrollview mentioned below as same in your xml file too.

Followed from this link:

Note: .. mentioning < or > from the following code ..

..strike....?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?..
..scrollview xmlns:android=""
..linearlayout xmlns:android=""
android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:scrollbarAlwaysDrawVerticalTrack="true"..
android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/TickerLbl1" android:background="@color/TickTextViewBackCol" android:textStyle="bold" android:id="@+id/TextView"/..
..textview android:id="@+id/TextView01" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/TickerLbl1" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:textStyle="bold" android:layout_marginTop="2dip" android:background="@color/TickTextViewBackRedColor"..../TextView..


Thank you for followers!


Senior Systems Analyst.

Have fun and be addictive by playing "TossRing" marvelous iPhone game. Link is below..

Monday, February 22, 2010

Android: Found some important things from this Android link ...


I have found many important notes from the following link:

Here, you can find about,
1. How to get image from a URL programmatically?
2. How to install files on the device?
3. How to remove apps on the device?
4. Top paid and free apps details..
5. Working with Databases in Android
6. Create calculator
7. G-1 device related etc.

Enjoy reading this link mentioned above, it is useful..

Thank you for followers!


Senior Systems Analyst.

Have fun and be addictive by playing "TossRing" marvelous iPhone game. Link is below..

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Android: How do we see logs in Eclipse?

How do we see logs in Eclipse?

1. We need to add Log.d or Log.v etc to the source code to print the logs.

For ex:
Log.d("Portfolio:", "getParsedOutput:" + getParsedOutput); // here getParsedOutput is a string.

2. Go to Eclipse "Window (menu)->Show View->choose Other -> Android -> LogCat.

You can see the LogCat added in your project now in the bottom.
Otherwise Choose DDMS, where-in you choose Simulator/Device where you can see the logs printed.

Thank you for followers!


Senior Systems Analyst.

Have fun and be addictive by playing "TossRing" marvelous iPhone game. Link is below..

Android: Source not found problem?


When you debug your code, you may find "Source not found" (or) 'The JAR of this class file belongs to 'Android 1.1 which does not allow modifications to source attachments on its entities' etc. message.
Basically this problem is due to Android sources are not included in Eclipse.

To resolve it,

1. Easy method would be following the below link:

i) Download which version of SDK that you have. For ex: Donut means Android 1.6
ii) Create a folder called "source" For ex: sdk/platforms/android-1.5/sources
iii) Right click and refresh your project in Eclipse.
iv) click Run-Debug History
You will find still the same you will see message as 'Source not found' with Edit source path button.
v) Click on Edit source path button and click 'Add' button.
vi) Choose 'library system path' and choose your 'source' folder there.

Now go ahead and debug again.

Thank you for followers!


Senior Systems Analyst.

Have fun and be addictive by playing "TossRing" marvelous iPhone game. Link is below..

How to debug Android projects in Eclipse?

How to debug Android projects in Eclipse?

Mac OS X eclipse setup:

It is very simple. But why i write and keep like this is because when i'm new to Android project development using Eclipse, i didn't know how to debug the code. I searched for sometime and found that, "Run -> Debug History -> " is the best one to debug the code in Eclipse.

Windows eclipse setup:

If you want to Debugging on Windows environment, you need to add the following line in AndroidManifest file for application.
android:debuggable="true" to the element

Thank you for followers!


Senior Systems Analyst.

Have fun and be addictive by playing "TossRing" marvelous iPhone game. Link is below..

Friday, February 19, 2010

How to retrieve HTTP URL data programmatically on Android:

How to retrieve HTTP URL data programmatically on Android:

Here is the simple function:


private String getURLRequestData ()
String contentData=null;

try {

URL url1 = new URL("");
URLConnection con = url1.openConnection();

InputStream is = con.getInputStream();
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);

ByteArrayBuffer baf = new ByteArrayBuffer(50);
int current = 0;
while ( (current =!=-1 )
contentData = new String(baf.toByteArray());

} catch (IOException e) {

return contentData; // you will get output code get from the URL given..

After getting this, you can look up, how to parse the data to have with your requirements.

Thanks you.

Cheers !

Senior Systems Analyst.

How to setup internet connetivity on Android Emulator?

How to set up Internet Connectivity on Android Simulator?

This is how we can setup Internet connectivity on Android Simulator if it doesn't take connection automatically.

1. Make sure there is 3G icon shown on top of the emulator screen. If no, reset the emulator until it comes.

2. Add the following line lastly in your application manifest file, which will be in your project folder path as AndroidManifest.xml.

This will do it !!!

Cheers !

Systems Analyst.