Programming/Non programming

Saturday, November 14, 2009

iPhone:CLang static analyser for objective C for iPhone development

CLang static analyser for objective C for iPhone development:

Please follow the following link, which is useful for this purpose.

Monday, November 9, 2009

How to create iTunes free account without Credit card option?

How to create iTunes free account without Credit card option:

Please follow the steps mentioned below to create an iTunes free account to download free software through iTunes.

1. Run iTunes

2. Click on iTunes Store from left pane

3. In the right pane scroll down at bottom right corner and choose your country. For ex: choose United States flag

4. Click on App Store from top menu

5. Scroll down and find Free Apps Section on right side. Rollover on a free app and click Free button

iTunes will ask you to enter Apple ID and Password. As you don't have an account,

6. Click on Create New Account button

7. Click Continue button on Welcome screen

8. Check the terms and condition checkbox and hit Continue button

9. Fill out all the required details in the form and hit Continue button

10. Select None from Credit Card options

11. Enter the remaining fields if it is mandatory.

12. An email will be sent to you. Check you given email account, read the instructions to verify your account.

That's it ! You Got to Go !

Senior Systems Analyst.

Want to relax and fun !!! Play the excellent game "ArrangeMe" on iPhone for free'

Saturday, November 7, 2009

iPhone:Preparing Devices for Development

Preparing Devices for Development

Building your application for an iPhone OS–based device provides the most realistic environment
for you to test its operation and efficiency. Xcode makes building the application, transferring it to
the device, and launching it a simple affair.

The following sections describe how to build and run your application for iPhone OS–based devices and how to manage them in the Organizer.
In order to test your application on a device, you must configure your computer and your device for iPhone OS development. This process comprises the following tasks:

■ Become an iPhone Developer Program member

■ Obtain a developer certificate

■ Designate your device for development

■ Obtain and install a provisioning profile

Becoming an iPhone Developer Program Member

In order to become an iPhone Developer Program member, visit the iPhone Dev Center.

Obtaining a Developer Certificate

A developer certificate is a certificate Xcode uses to code sign your application before it uploads it to your device for testing.

To get a developer certificate:

1. Launch Keychain Access, located in /Applications/Utilities.
2. Choose KeychainAccess > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority.
3. In the Certificate Information window:
a. In the User Email Address field, enter your email address.
b. In the Common Name field, enter your name.
c. In the “Request is” group, select the “Saved to disk” option.
d. Click Continue.
The Certificate Assistant saves a certificate signature request (CSR) file to your Desktop.
4. Upload your CSR file to the iPhone Dev Center.
5. Download your developer certificate and the Apple Root and AppleWWDRcertificates from the
iPhone Dev Center.
6. Double-click each certificate to install them on your computer.

Designating a Device for Development

To designate a device for development:

1. Launch Xcode.

2. Plug the device into your computer.

3.In the New Device Detected dialog, click Use for Development.

Obtaining and Installing a Provisioning Profile

To be able to use a device to test your application, you need a provisioning profile. A provisioning
profile identifies a device as one that’s used for development and specifies the actions you can perform
on that device, such as whether you can make calls.
Download your provisioning profile from the iPhone Dev Center. After that, place it in the
~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisions directory:
1. In the Finder, go to your home directory and navigate to Library/MobileDevice.

2. Choose File > New Folder.

3. Name the new folder “Provisions”.

4. Drag your provisioning-profile file to the newly created Provisions directory.
You must quit and relaunch Xcode in order for it to load your provisioning profile, which appears
in Organizer > Summary > Provisions.

Building Your Application for a Device

To build your application for a device:

1. Select the device SDK from the Project > Set Active SDK menu or the Overview toolbar item.

2. Choose Build > Build (or Build > Build and Run).
The status bar in the project window indicates whether the build was successful or whether there
are build errors or warnings. You can view build errors and warnings in the text editor or the project window.
iPhones and iPod touches support two instruction sets, ARM and Thumb. Xcode uses Thumb
instructions by default because using Thumb typically reduces code size by about 35 percent relative
to ARM. Applications that have extensive floating point code might perform better if they use ARM
instructions rather than Thumb. You can turn off Thumb for your application by turning off the
Compile for Thumb build setting.

Running Your Application on a Device

To run the application you built in choose Run
> Run. If you have more than one devices attached to your computer, you can choose the device onto
which Xcode puts the built application using the Project > Set Active Executable menu.
Once running, you can test that your application performs as you intend using all the capabilities of
your device.

Thank you !!!

Senior Systems Analyst.

Want to relax and fun !!! Play the excellent game "ArrangeMe" on iPhone for free'

Friday, November 6, 2009

iPhone:Binary Type FAT and Non-Fat

Discussion on Fat and Non-FAT Binary type:

At WWDC, it was mentioned that you can build a binary which supports both the ARM v6 instruction set of the original models of iPhone and iPod touch, as well as one that uses the new ARM v7 instruction set of the iPhone 3G S and new iPod touch models.

Standard "non-fat" binaries should run just fine on all currently available devices (3G S or not). As long as you built your application for 2.x and tested it on both 2.x and 3.x OS devices, you should be just fine. The only reason you'd want to specifically create a fat binary would be to squeeze extra performance out of these new devices.

Technically, "fat" means the application will run on at least two architectures.

The iPhone runs an OS X derivative. OS X has the plumbing to support multiple types of processors. This includes the binary carrying a marker for weather or not it is Fat. Your iPhone app should never be marked as fat since it is only capable of running on the iPhone.

PowerPC is the type of processor Apple used in all Macs from 1992 through 2006. It was produced by IBM and Motorola. In 2006 Apple transitioned to x86 and as such they had to support Macs with multiple types of processors in OS X. They did this by compiling for both platforms and calling the resulting binary Fat.


Senior Systems Analyst.

Want to relax and fun !!! Play the excellent game "ArrangeMe" on iPhone for free'

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Unlock iPhone 3G or 3GS 05.11.07 baseband

iPhone users who got their phone locked after updating to 3.1 and greater updated version with 05.11.07 baseband, can be happy now that they can unlock their phone now using blacksn0w software. This software is released today Nov 3rd, 2009 by Geohot.

Follow the steps to unlock your iPhone 3.1 or greater with 05.11.07 baseband:

1. Check your iPhone vesion 3.1 or greater with baseband 05.11.07 or greater.

2. Download iPhone OS 3 Community Toolbar from the link:

3. Connect iPhone on your computer and run blackra1n application.

4. Choose "make it ra1n" button from blackra1n application screen.

5. blackra1n will put your device into recovery mode and jailbreak your device.

6. Once blackra1n is done jailbreaking, your iPhone will reboot and you should see the blackra1n icon on your iPhone or iPod touch screen.

7. Tap the blackra1n icon to open it. Tap on Cydia, Rock, and blacksn0w and then click the Install button to install them.

Here your device Go ! That's it..Unlocked successfully !


If your iPhone has already been jailbroken and you don't need to do that again, then just launch Cydia,
1. Go to Manage -> Sources
2. Edit and Add this url -> and install it.
3. Once point 2nd is done, search for "blacksn0w" software and install it.

Here your device Go ! That's it..Unlocked successfully !

Enjoy Jailbreaking and Unlocking ! We should thank specially for GeoHot guys !


M.P. Prabakar
iPhone app development Analyst.
xxxx company.

'Want to relax and fun !!! Play the excellent game "ArrangeMe" on iPhone for free'