Programming/Non programming

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

iPhone: How to submit our application into Apple AppStore:


How to submit our application into Apple AppStore:

Note: You should have bought Apple's developer account ($99 or $199) before submitting your applicaiton into Apple AppStore.

1. Log in to

2. Click on 'Manager you applications' tab.

3. 'Add new application' tab

4. If your product has encryption, choose 'Yes', otherwise choose 'No'.

5. Follow on what are you seeing in the next pages as usual.

6. If you want upload your app as priced version, you can choose pricing tier in a tab which will ask you in one stage. Minimum starting from $ 0.99 U.S which is 'Tier 1' and maximum of $ 999.99 U.S which is 'Tier 85'.

Note: As a pre-requisite, keep the following items ready before starting this process:

1. Binary which has built with AppStore provisional profile file.
2. An application icon image in 512 * 512 size in .JPG format.
3. Four or Five(Max) application screenshot files in .JPG format.
4. You can have your URL, email address etc.

Cheers !

Senior Systems Analyst.